Before the webinar starts
1. In order to access the platform without any problem, check and update the version of the browser before the webinar starts. Only Google Chrome version 72+ and Mozilla Firefox version 65+ or Microsoft Edge version 79+ are supported.

iOS Safari browser is not supported.
2. If you wish to access the platform from your mobile phone (not recommended), all the mobile internet browser access is not supported. You MUST download "TrainerCentral - Learner" app to access the webinar.
Click here to download
Click here to download
Join the session
1. On the registration page, click "Register Here" to sign up for the webinar. You will need to provide your First name, Last name, and Email to enroll in the session. For ISA CA credential holders, please make sure the name used to register matches your ISA credential record. A confirmation email will be sent to you with the URL to the webinar.
2. On the date of the webinar, access the webinar through the URL in the confirmation/reminder email at least 15 mins before the webinar starts.
3. Click "Access Session", fill in the details you registered to join the webinar. DO NOT click "Continue as Guest". The sign in record will not be able to track.
Click the image for enlarged version.
Click the image for enlarged version.
4. The platform will then check the browser, the audio,
and the video setting. Get the camera and microphone ready for system check as the educator may request to turn on the camera and microphone.
As default, the microphone is turned off. However, the platform allows attendees to speak
via the microphone during the session. The attendees can also turn on the
camera when they speak.
Click "Continue" after checking.
Click the image for enlarged version.
If you can see and hear the host or the educator, it means you are ready for the webinar.
** During the session, DO NOT leave
the platform and DO NOT minimize the window. Otherwise, the attendance will not be counted.
Click the image for enlarged version.
1. Main Screen
The presentation will be shown in this section.
2. Sub screen
The host, the lecturer's and permitted participant's video will be shown in this section.
3. "Info" Panel
If you accidentally sign in as guest, name and the email can be updated in this panel.
Click the image for enlarged version.
4. "Questions" Panel
If you would like to ask lecturer questions, click "Questions" and type the question. Click "Ask Question" to post. It will not be shown to all the attendees until the lecturer projects the questions to the attendees.
** Asking questions in the public chatroom and the private chatroom is not recommended because the lecturer may not be able to see the questions.
Click the image for enlarged version.
5. "Polls" panel
Lecturer can ask questions using
"Polls" panel. When he/ she posts the question on the screen, you can simply answer anonymously. You can also check the questions
and answers in "Polls" panel later on.
Click the image for enlarged version.6. "Chat" Panel
All participants can communicate together in this panel. Type the message in the message box and click "Send".
**If you would like to ask the lecturer questions related to the webinar,
"Questions" function should be used. Lecturer may not be able to read the questions in chat panel.
If you would like to chat with the lecturer privately, click "Chat
with trainers" and type the message in the separate message box.
However, the lecturer may not be able to response at once during the webinar.
Click the image for enlarged version. 7. "Handouts" Panel
Handouts can be obtained in this panel if the lecturer upload here.
Click the image for enlarged version.
8. "Raise hand" Panel
If you would like to speak or ask questions verbally, click "Raise
hand" and then click "Send request".
Make sure the microphone and/ or video is ready. The system may
ask for permission to access the microphone and/ or video. Click "Allow".
After the lecturer accepts the request, you can unmute the microphone
by clicking "Yes" at the top of the panel. See below image.
Click the image for enlarged version.
9. "Notes" Panel
You can write notes in this panel. This is
for your own use only. No one can access to your notes. Send the notes to your own email account before the session ends. The notes cannot be retrieved after the session.
Click the image for enlarged version.10. "Exit"
Click "Exit" to end the session.
**If you exit before the session ends, the attendance will not be counted.
**If the screen freezes during the webinar and you must exit the platform and log in again, please write in the chat room to inform the host. The host will remark on her own record so that your attendance can be counted even if the system cannot log your attendance.